Domain name search
Register domain names with free WHOIS Privacy, Theft Protection, and Email Forwarding
.com $15.99/yr
.org $14.95/yr
What to consider when searching for the right domain name
- Keep It Short – Short domain names are easier to remember and recall. Although there is no set length for domain names, the ideal ones are between two and three words long.
- Less is More – Avoid hyphens, digits, slang and words with different spellings. Complex characters make your domain name considerably more difficult to spell and recall.
- Include your brand name – Your domain should include your brand name or keywords related to your product, service. A search result with a keyword in your domain name can improve search engine result ranking and drive visitors to your site.
- Think locally – While many prefer .com domains, you may be better off choosing a country-specific extension like .in or .fr especially if you’re targeting a specific country.
- Check availability & act quickly – The best domain names are taken quickly, if you find a domain name you like don’t wait around. Register domain name quickly. It is prudent to register a few domain name quickly and then decide which one to keep, which ones to let go after the first year.
Domain name features
features of domain names registered with us
WHOIS Privacy
Don’t want your private information visible to hackers and spammers? We’ve got you covered!
Keep your private contact information hidden from prying eyes with our WHOIS privacy service.
Email Forwarding
Use our email forwarding service, you can forward email addresses for your new domain to existing email addresses.
Give your online presence a more professional feel with up to 20 free email forwards.
DNS Management
Host your domain’s DNS records on the registry Anycast nameservers. This will help speed up your website with reduced latency and improve availability through nameserver redundancy.
Premium DNS management available
Domain Security
Enable two-factor authentication on your account, using the Google Authenticator app for your Android or iPhone.
Domain transfer locking and Registrant email verification help secure your domain.
Domain Name Registration
+300 extensions available for domain name registration
We provide standalone (web hosting not required) name registration services for a wide range of class-based top-level domains (gTLD) and country-based top-level domains (ccTLD). Given below are details of domain name’s extension, to help you short-list the possible extensions for your domain names. No matter what you’re working on, we make it simple to find the right domain and connect it to your website
Popular extensions for Domain names
At, you can register a .COM domain at competitive rates. Other popular extensions like .IN, .CO, and .BIZ are also available. All prices include ICANN fees, payment processor fees, and applicable security fees.
To check the availability of a .COM domain, please visit the Domain Name Registration page on the website.